3 Month Payday Loans
When you need to borrow a small amount of money, you may want the flexibility to repay the loan quickly. A 3-month payday loan allows you to borrow the money you need and repay it with the minimum of fuss.
When you need to borrow a small amount of money, you may want the flexibility to repay the loan quickly. A 3-month payday loan allows you to borrow the money you need and repay it with the minimum of fuss.
Loans are available for a variety of periods via Payday UK, including 3-month loans. The amount and term of the loan that is best for you will depend on your circumstances, but 3-month loans are usually for smaller amounts of money. You can borrow as little as £50.
We have worked hard behind the scenes to make the application process as quick and straightforward as we can, minimising the amount of time before the money hits your bank account, which is usually the same day*.
The online Eligibility Checker is free and takes 60 seconds. Find out if you’ll be approved with no credit footprint.
Check EligibilityPowered by Flux Funding
We know you need your money as soon as possible. That’s why we have designed our website to be fast and simple.
Fill out our short, secure form and search an industry-leading panel of lenders to find your loan.
Once you have your offer from the lender, you can review the offer and get your cash.
Once accepted, your money can often be paid into your account the same day.
Traditional high-street lenders don’t typically offer such short-term loans. The shortest term a conventional lender will usually accept is 12-months, and these will often come with strict criteria you have to meet in order to qualify. When someone needs a loan over such a short-term, they will normally turn to a direct lender. They are specialists at providing payday loans over shorter periods, such as 3-month loans. This can be an ideal solution for some people who need a quick solution and want to pay the money back quickly.
Our broker has built a panel of lenders to ensure you get the best deal for your circumstances. Whether or not they require a guarantor will be specific to each lender. Some direct lenders will never ask for a guarantor for 3-month loans, while others always will. However, needing a guarantor to get the best rate doesn’t slow the process much, and we can still get the money to you quickly. Most people ask a close friend or family member if they need a guarantor.
You can apply for 3-month loans via Payday UK without harming your credit score. We specialise in introducing people to credit that might struggle to be accepted elsewhere. If you’ve been turned down by traditional lenders, there’s a good chance we can help you. Our brokers lender panel performs a soft credit check, so applying with us will not show up on your credit report.
A full credit check is only performed when you accept a loan offer, as this is a requirement of the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). Because you only accept a loan offer after finding out you meet the criteria, the full check will show up, and the loan will be approved. If you pay it back on time, then it will help improve your credit score.
You can apply to borrow anything from £50 to £500, but shorter periods are usually for smaller amounts, while people borrowing more significant amounts typically opt for a more extended repayment period to make the payments more manageable. Loans can be repaid early, but individual lenders will have their own terms regarding repayment.
These guides will help you find out more about the different types of loan and lenders available.